About Us

On June 16th, 2015, then presidential candidate, Donald J. Trump, made an infamous comment about Mexican immigrants that served as a precursor for overly cruel policies directed at immigrants that would define his presidency. In the years after that comment was made, attacks on immigrants, and the rhetoric surrounding immigration, became increasingly hostile. Support for bans against certain groups of immigrants became normalized, human rights abuses in detention centers were discovered, and people mobilized against those in power.

In the face of these egregious abuses, and within this hostile climate, All Roads Lead Here was born.

At its core, ARLH is about celebrating immigrants. It’s about documenting immigration stories, but most of all it’s about normalizing immigrants. Our goal is to record stories, highlight activists, promote legal services and cover the most up to date news on immigration. Our mission is to one day overcome the plague of xenophobia by showing the world that in one way or another, we’re all immigrants.
